Friday, 7 March 2014

AE Animation

Here is a egg character I created. I did this by firstly going into photoshop where this will pop up, change the settings as shown in the screenshot 
2. I made a new layer and created the body of the character, making a new layer for each part of the body. the final finish will look like: 
3. I then save it and go onto after effects where I import it and double click for the sequence to make a composite. 
4. To move the whole body with the arms etc, I click on 
5. You can control the body by attaching all the body parts by clicking this:
That symbol is calling the pick whip, which having all the body parts highlighted, dragged the pick whip to the body. This allows all the body parts to move when the body moves. 
6. Where you can see rotation you move the scale around to move your character around. Clicking the stop watch with each movement. 

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