1. Opened up the bear file on After Effects, then double clicking on the file to create a composition
2. Click 'ctrl' on the bear file and click on 'composition settings' which a box will appear. I made sure the frame rate was '23.976' and the duration was '0:00:05:00' and then clicked 'ok'
3. I made sure the looping arrow was clicked which looks like this:
4. I then anchor point each layer, starting with front arm and attach it to the body (shortcut 'ctrl y')
5. Then I parented the body parts to the body using the pick whip tool but I left the legs.
6. On the body frame I key frame on frame 0, 8 and 16 having the body stay in its original position, then on frame 4 I move the body up a bit and copy and paste this key frame onto frame 12 so it is the same as it moves each time.
7. Still being on the body click rotation key frame and on frame 0 and I moved it forward a small angle then copy and paste the key frame at frame 8 and 16
8. Using the same rotation tool on frame 4 and 12 I move the body backwards to a small angle
9. To make everything run smoother I clicked on a key frame using clicking 'Ctrl' back clicking, then on the options I cocked 'key frames assistant' then 'easy ease' repeating this for all key frames.
10. I then clicked on the front arm, changed the rotation on frames 0 and 16 having the arm back then on frame 8 having the arm forward. Also repeating step 9
11. I then repeated step 10 for the right arm but made each frame the opposite direction than the front arm. For example when the front arm was forward, the back arm would be back.
12. Clicking on the legs, I pin pointed them three times where the joints would be to be able to make the legs move and bend like a leg would
13. Clicking on puppet (shoutcut, double clicking p) you are able to move the pin points around allowing the leg to move like it is walking.
14. Like with the arms moving the legs at a small angle back and forward in opposite directions to each other which looks like the bear is walking!
15. Then finding a beach background I imported it and dragged it onto the com position, key framing it as I moved it along each time as the bear walked making the walking more realistic.
16. Then there you have a walking bear on the beach!
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